Monday 11 June 2012

Create-a-Caption: Chris Bosh centers himself

Coming off the bench to have a big impact in a Game 7 just days after returning from injury isn't easy. The experience can be jarring; even the most steeled competitors can get rattled. You have to find your balance — you must harness your chi.

Clearly, Chris Bosh was able to do that, popping for 19 points on 8-for-10 shooting, including a 3-for-4 mark from 3-point land, and eight rebounds in 31 minutes off the pine for the Miami Heat in their Game 7 win over the Boston Celtics on Saturday night. But how? What was going through the All-Star forward's mind that helped him turn down the volume on the rest of the world and just go about his business?

Best caption wins important information on how to use the prayer pose to relieve headaches. Good luck, and namaste.

In our last adventure: When Kevin Garnett goes from intense to contemplative, the change is drastic.

Winner, Legal Eagle: "First 'Prometheus' sucked, now this."

Runner-up, Mr: The worst part about this, KG was given a "T" for his unsportsmanlike face.

Second runner-up, Magic32: "On the one hand, I have Maria Menounos as a fan. Bonus. But I also have Dane Cook as a fan."

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