Monday 21 May 2012

LeBron James won’t even give Lance Stephenson half a bar

''Lance Stephenson? You want a quote about Lance Stephenson? I'm not even going to give him the time. Knock it off.'' -- LeBron James, donning his hater blockers on Saturday, according to Tom Withers of the Associated Press.

That's just textbook shoulder-brushing form by the Miami Heat star, who utterly dismissed the sideline choking gesture offered during Game 3 by Lance Stephenson (who has scored fewer points in his two-year NBA career than James has in his last five playoff games) before going out Sunday and producing one of the greatest playoff performances in recent memory to tie his Heat's Eastern Conference semifinal series with the Indiana Pacers at two games apiece. That James' performance came after Stephenson apologized for the gesture, and in a contest that saw the second-year reserve out of Louisville catch his sixth DNP-CD in Indy's nine postseason games, makes this all the more delicious.

Reached for comment on the matter, Stephenson said nothing, ever again, for the rest of his life.

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