Monday 21 May 2012

Create-a-Caption: Tim Duncan puts some stank on it

Oh, Blake Griffin. You had no idea what kind of can of worms you were opening when you told UVO to play funk, did you?

Well, if you'd actually bothered to read the scouting report, you'd have known before the series that Tim Duncan has always been fueled by funk. But no, you just had to learn it the hard way, to the tune of 21 points, 9.3 rebounds, 3.3 assists and two blocks per game on 59.4 percent from the floor and 80 percent from the line. Hope it was worth it. Maybe next year you'll be a little more careful.

Best caption wins some electrified funk for your Monday afternoon. Good luck.

In our last adventure: Dwyane Wade swears referee Tony Brothers to secrecy about his evil plan to play terribly in Game 3 before playing monstrously in Game 4. Pretty sneaky, Dwyane.

Winner, Triple S: Wade: "My eyes are up here, Tony."

Runner-up, Matt T: Brothers: "Allright, after one half, we're tied with zero points apiece. It's game on the rest of the way."

Second runner-up, Mad D: Wade: "I don't care if this gauze tape isn't regulation. My nipples get chafed."

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