Friday 24 May 2013

Tim Duncan is reportedly delaying divorce proceedings until after the end of the Spurs’ season

There is never a good time for a relationship to end or divorce proceedings to be put into place, even if the move is necessary and agreed upon by both sides. Working through a divorce trial while working as an All-NBA member of a team two wins away from the NBA Finals, though, would be quite the mental task. It has not been completely confirmed by the player, team, or representatives, but the San Antonio-Express News is reporting that it’s more than likely that Tim Duncan and his wife have engaged in divorce proceedings, and that the San Antonio Spurs big man is attempting to delay the trial because of his postseason commitments with the team.

The Express-News’ Patrick Danner discovered the case’s paperwork this week, and deduced that the initials utilized in the paperwork (the case is listed as “A.S.D. vs. T.T.D,” Tim’s wife’s name is Amy and Duncan’s middle name is Theodore), some of the language regarding the timeliness, and (sadly), the ages of the couple’s two children to deduce that the Spurs legend is trying to put off the divorce proceedings in order to concentrate fully on the playoff run.

From the Express-News:

The case is playing out in Bexar County District Court. Court papers filed last week include a request that legal discovery in the case be postponed until after the Spurs' last playoff game.


[Duncan’s possible lawyer Sue M. Hally] filed a motion last week asking that the parties not to have to turn over documents and other information pertinent to the case until a future court date.

In the alternative, she asked the court to “give T.T.D. 30 days following the first work day following the San Antonio Spurs' last playoff game (whenever that might be) to respond to the outstanding discovery requests.”

A hearing on the request was scheduled for Thursday, according to the court docket. The outcome wasn't immediately known.

TMZ, as it usually does, went on from there:

TMZ has obtained legal docs filed in Bexar County, Texas, in which Duncan makes the case that his employment "is currently making extraordinary demands on him and hopefully will continue to make those demands for the next 30 or so days." Translation -- he's banking on a ring.

Duncan's wife, Amy, filed for divorce in March, saying she wanted to end their 12-year marriage which she says has become "insupportable because of discord and conflict."

Like her husband, Amy Duncan has more or less stayed out of the public eye while away from the AT&T Center. She was with Duncan when he toured the Orlando Magic facilities in 2000 when Duncan was a free agent, but things have remained quiet on the home front for the couple – which, as the Express-News reminded, married in 2001. Amy Duncan was a cheerleader at Wake Forest, where Duncan graduated from in 1997.

San Antonio is currently up 2-0 on the Memphis Grizzlies in the Western Conference finals, with designs on making their first Finals appearance since 2007. Whatever the pairing, the Finals won’t tip off until June 6, potentially taking until a full two weeks following that starting date to finish if the series goes seven games.

The Spurs are good enough, and the competition will be fierce enough, to drag the season out that long. And though private jets and the work of a high-powered legal staff (Duncan is reportedly utilizing the services of Richard Orsinger, who represented teammate Tony Parker in his divorce trial against Eva Longoria) can help expedite the process (and a pre-nuptial agreement, if it is officially in place, can answer a lot of questions before the lawyers get down to business), this can still be a life-altering back and forth that one probably doesn’t want to endure while thinking about guarding Zach Randolph, while potentially on and off the road for another three and a half weeks.

Reportedly. We don’t know for sure. If “T.T.D.” is Tim Duncan, though, then this is a sad time to try to muddle through. And we can understand why he’d like to put it off for a while.

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