Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Kevin Garnett gets intense about yoga (VIDEO)

Boston Celtics big man Kevin Garnett is known for one thing above all else: being pathologically intense. In the thick of competition, he gets in opponents' heads, screams in both pleasure and displeasure often, and generally seems on the brink of snapping at any minute. It's no surprise that players get in tussles with KG, or that he sometimes goes over the line and takes a metaphor a little too far.

So it's a little odd to watch the video above from the coconut water brand Zico, in which compensated endorser Garnett speaks about yoga more intensely than anyone else ever has before (via @CelticsTown and @marcel_mutoni. As KG tells it, yoga helps him control his emotions, although he claims it's still a work in progress. Thankfully, he has the self-awareness to admit he's still a work in progress.

It might seem odd for someone like Garnett to do yoga — let alone refer to himself as "a down dog man" — but this is a perfectly logical thing for him to do. For one thing, yoga really does help with control and flexibility. On top of that, it's essentially a mainstream exercise in 2013, no longer associated with one gender or lifestyle. It's open to everyone, including maniacally intense All-Star power forwards. Hell, it may even be better suited to them than to a twentysomething woman.

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