Tuesday 29 January 2013

“Wheel of Fortune” will host the NBA next week

On Sunday, the NFL will stage the final game of its season. While the Super Bowl typically serves to communicate football's dominion over the sports landscape, it also ushers in a few months in which the NBA is the undisputed king of the athletic world. (Unless you're really into NFL Draft updates and MLB Spring Training, I guess.)

Still, the NBA still needs to reach out to new fans. So, next week, some of our favorite basketball personalities will appear on a show with an audience that overlaps only slightly with the NBA's core group of fans: "Wheel of Fortune." From ProBasketballTalk:

Finally, something NBA related you can do with your grandmother — “Wheel of Fortune” has teamed up with the NBA for “NBA Week,” which air all next week (Feb. 4 – 8). Who is involved? Chris Paul, DeAndre Jordan, and Grant Hill as well as Lakers legend and Hall of Famer James Worthy. And of course Pat Sajak and Vanna White, which is why you are really watching (admit it). Plus players such as Kobe Bryant, Dwight Howard, Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, and Kevin Durant will do pre-taped segments and introduce custom NBA prizes.

I think we can all agree that the potential for hilarity in these episodes is very high. Just this last Friday, "Wheel of Fortune" contestants attempted to solve puzzles with the answers "Go To The Front Of The Cave" (it was "Line," not "Cave") and "Leather Mullet" ("Wallet," not "Mullet"). If any NBA players guess something just as ridiculous (or, lord willing, a "Self-Potato"), we will have a viral video for the ages.

That said, it's worth noting that most markets air "Wheel of Fortune" in the 7 o'clock hour, which also happens to be when local NBA games start. "NBA Week," then, is going head-to-head with the very thing its meant to promote.

It will be a tough choice for America's grandparents. However, if all of us teach them how to use their DVRs, we can help them avoid missing out on everything the NBA has to offer.

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