Monday 14 January 2013

The one where LeBron James and Chris Paul ate dinner with Warren Buffett and Bill Gates (VIDEO)

LeBron James has had designs on being a "global icon" for the better part of his NBA career. In practical terms, that means he wants to be both a legendary basketball player and a massively influential leader of business and the culture at large. At various times during his career, those non-basketball interests have caused fans to think that LeBron isn't serious. But it's a fact of his life.

He also flaunts that interest, largely through a few high-profile friendships and acquaintances with leaders of American business and capital. The most public of those has been with Berkshire Hathaway boss and investor Warren Buffett, one of the richest people in the world. Buffett has praised James for his business sense, and they generally spend more time together than you'd expect from a 28-year-old athlete and an 82-year-old billionaire. In 2008, James even invited Buffett and Bill Gates to be his personal guests at one of Team USA's Las Vegas tuneups for the Beijing Olympics.

But that was not the only time that trio (and Chris Paul, then of the New Orleans Hornets) spent together in Vegas. A few days ago, LeBron's official YouTube channel released a clip of James, Gates, Buffett, Paul, and a few other friends dining together at Bartolotta at the Wynn in Las Vegas (via Reddit). It's a private look into a unique meeting.

The clip is light on specific bits of conversation between the attendees, but it generally looks as if everyone got along perfectly well and had a lot of fun. That shouldn't be surprising, though, because any group people, no matter their differences, can usually find some things to talk about as long as they're open to getting along. And so, at this dinner of famous people, we learned a little about human's capacity for positive interactions.

Then, of course, the video ends with LeBron and Paul walking from the restaurant, mentioning that they were hanging out with Warren Buffett and Bill Gates (or "William") in a faux-casual manner, and trying to get their girlfriends to stop window-shopping. We cannot confirm if Buffett and Gates cut a similar video, and if their significant others also had to be brought back on course.

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