Thursday, 13 December 2012

Create-a-Caption: Andrei Kirilenko thinks you’re doing great

Feel sluggish today after a 13-game Wednesday? Just kind of dragging your way through holiday shopping season, with its early sunsets, bitter winds and general distemper? Wondering how you're going to not just check off all those items on the to-do list, but even just make it through the day? I hear you, man. Been there myself.

But Andrei Kirilenko thinks we're doing great. He thinks we're hanging in there, that we're being harder on ourselves than anyone else is, and that if we just keep plugging away, we'll make it.

And if you can't believe that smile, that thumbs up or that hair, then I don't know what you can believe. Just go ahead and stare at it for a couple of hours minutes seconds — I guarantee you'll feel renewed vim and vigor. Now let's get out there and run strong and proud like young deer and horses.

Why do you think the Minnesota Timberwolves forward is so upbeat Best caption wins a positive jam, man. Good luck.

In our last adventure: Metta World Peace jams down on some Keane (probably).

Winner, Russell S.: Boys and girls, tonight's game against the Cavaliers was brought to you by the letter "L," spelled out by Metta World Peace. Many words begin with the letter "L," including "Lakers," "Loss" and "Letdown."

Runner-up, Larry B.: Metta World Peace contemplates just how much he HATES big boy pants.

Second runner-up, Mikie: Mike D'Antoni: "Metta, let's get going. Almost game time."

World Peace: "I don't need to warm up ... we are in Cleveland."

CUT TO: The next day.

World Peace: "Well ... uhh ... my bad, coach."

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