Monday 17 December 2012

Create-a-Caption: Alvin Gentry listens to some pros and cons

"On one hand, Coach, you can keep starting someone who can't shoot, can't defend, isn't rebounding, turns the ball over a ton and puts you in deficits pretty much all the time. On the other, you can bench him."


[Alvin Gentry decides to give Michael Beasley less than 20 minutes per game]

"Hey, look at that! We've won two of three and beaten two Western Conference playoff teams! Thanks, referee Ed Malloy!"

"Don't mention it, Alvin Gentry. ... No, seriously, don't mention it. I'm pretty sure advising you on lineup decisions in the middle of a game would get me in a LOT of trouble."

Best caption wins a little help from your friends, even if they do have whistles and call your guys for the reach-in foul from time to time. Good luck.

In our last adventure: Andrei Kirilenko's picking up what you're putting down, and he digs it.

Winner, Sean: "In Soviet Russia, thumb ups you!"

Runner-up, John: "Those brownies Michael Beasley left behind in his locker are delicious."

Second runner-up, TR3S: "Good job, management! Way to #$%$ off Kevin Love!"

NOTE: C'mon, Andrei Kirilenko. Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. Just clearly communicate your feelings, dog; that's way more constructive.

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