Wednesday 24 October 2012

The 10-man rotation, starring 2012-13 NBA previews

A look around the league and the web that covers it. It's also important to note that the rotation order and starting nods aren't always listed in order of importance. That's for you, dear reader, to figure out.

C: Hardwood Paroxysm. The indispensable 2012-13 NBA preview from the cast of greats at HP.
PF: Los Angeles Daily News. Elliott Teaford's report on NBA referee Greg Willard. Must-read.
SF: TrueHoop. Kevin Arnovitz with a typically on-point breakdown of five teams at a crossroads.
SG: The Point Forward. Manu Ginobili's brilliance, as run through Rob Mahoney's keyboard.
PG: The Painted Area. The yearly over/under picks for the 2012-13 NBA season.

6th: TrueHoop. The odd, hilarious case of the six Rockets that nearly tripped up the '93 WC semis.
7th: Sports Radio Interviews. George Karl details his expectations for the 2012-13 Nuggies.
8th: The Two Man Game. On Shawn Marion's Hall of Fame credentials.
9th: Hoop Chalk. Detailing the Knicks' new pick and slip option.
10th: Bucksketball. Ersan Ilyasova loves him some offensive rebounds. Anything else?

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