Tuesday 31 July 2012

Stephen Jackson is going to ‘do music until [he] can’t talk no more’

We know a few things about Stephen Jackson — like, for example, that he's a reliable valet, a sound analyst of why basketball teams win, the world's biggest Kevin Durant fan, and very much in favor of you giving him a contract extension, right now, on the double.

Also, the San Antonio Spurs shooter is very committed to the hip-hop game, having spent his lockout recording one mixtape (called, appropriately, "What's A Lockout?") and recently completing another, titled "Trill Mixes," which features the track ("Save the Day") featured at the top of this post. We can't say that Cap'n Jack's the best rapper to come out of his hometown of Port Arthur, Texas — the President of the South gets that crown, obviously — but Stack's acquitted himself quite well in his off-court hobby. And he doesn't have any intention of giving it up any time soon ... or ever, really.

During a recent interview on sports talk station KTKR-AM in San Antonio, Jackson discussed his passion for putting it down on the mic. Michael Bean of Sports Radio Interviews has the transcript:

On his new rap album and whether he wanted to be a basketball player or a rapper first:

"Basketball has always been my first love, that was my blessing from God. I think as my career developed, that developed. I've always had a passion for music growing up, singing in the church choir and all that stuff. So as time passed I recognized another talent which is music. So I just took it seriously just as I took my basketball seriously."


If he plans to continue with his music career into the future:

"Yeah, definitely. Like I said, anything I put my heart and my mind to do, I take it real serious and I put my all into it. I'm going to be the same way with music. I'm going to play basketball until the game won't let me play no more, and I'm going to do music until I can't talk no more. That's going to be the same way."

First off: Let's hope the day that Stephen Jackson can no longer speak never comes. One of the most refreshingly real quotes in the NBA needs to continue speaking his particular personal brand of truth for as long as humanly possible.

Second: Good for you, Stephen Jackson. If writing, recording, producing and distributing music is something you enjoy in your downtime, and the amount of time and energy you spend focusing on it doesn't impede your ability to perform for your employer, then all the more power to you. It might be harder for you to write money-related punchlines now that you are no longer a member of the Milwaukee Bucks, but maybe you will get lucky and be moved to the Boston Celtics next season. That would give you plenty of material.

Also, it's worth remembering that while he's a 12-year NBA veteran, relative to hip-hop royalty, Jackson's still a young man. Rick Ross is 36, Jay-Z's 42 and Dr. Dre's 47, and they just put out one of the most anticipated records of the year. There's still plenty of time for Jack to hone his sound, develop his voice, and pretend not to have been a correctional officer or whatever. Lift your voice, Cap'n Jack, and may it never be silenced.

Hat-tip to Air Alamo.

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