Wednesday 4 July 2012

Happy Fourth of July from Ball Don’t Lie

We'll be around in the event something massive happens, but for the most part, we're going to take a step back today and celebrate the founding of a nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. We don't always uphold that ideal, but thanks to the countless men and women of all races, colors and creeds who have fought to protect and propagate it, we can always return to it. We can try to be worthy of it, and we can try to do better next time. What a gift; let's think some about that today.

And if you want to have drinks, eat barbecued meats and fill the sky with fireworks in the process, well, that sounds pretty good, too.

Happy birthday, America, and happy Fourth of July, BDL readers. Be safe, be happy, be healthy, and be back here Thursday for more coverage of the greatest damn league our country has to offer.

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