Thursday 28 June 2012

Chat about the 2012 NBA draft live, at Ball Don’t Lie

The 2012 NBA draft, like the 2011 NBA drafts that came before it (that's why they call it that, right?) is set to making our lives a whole lot more complicated and the NBA a whole lot younger at around 7:30 Eastern on Thursday night. Might as well document the proceedings with a whole lot of goofs, some insight, all the necessary links and tweets and rumors gone mad, and news of the actual legitimate transactions along the way. Also goofs.

Might as well join Ball Don't Lie, as we chat throughout the draft -- answering questions, pondering futures, having a fine time throughout. Why not click the jump and join us, starting at around 7:20, Eastern?

Just a reminder, we won't be able to get to every question or comment, and to please keep things PG-13 and civil. Thank you, darlings.

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