Tuesday 5 June 2012

Andray Blatche is playing in a Miami rec league (VIDEO)

We've discussed before how Washington Wizards forward Andray Blatche had a quite awful season, so much so that he blamed himself for everything that went wrong. The Wizards even asked him to sit out after returning from injury to "get in shape," which is effectively a euphemism for not wanting him on the court. Blatche's reputation has never been particularly good, but now it's at an all-time low.

Many NBA players spend their time playing in charity games and competitive summer leagues to remain used to playing five-on-five. Few, however, would play in a random Miami rec league. But that's exactly what Blatche did, and you can watch the highlights above (via SB Nation DC via TBJ). The highlight, by far, comes at the 1:15 mark, when he tries to cross over a guard on the perimeter, gets the ball knocked away, collects it, and hoists a quick three-pointer. Given that the image fades before we see the ball meet the basket, I'm going to guess it didn't go in.

It's easy to think that a rec league team with an NBA player would have a decided advantage over the opposition. However, Blatche's team actually lost the game 62-55, though Blatche was their top performer with 22 points and 14 rebounds. The real issue seems to be that his next-best teammate, the amazingly named Chi Chi, had only nine points. Clearly this loss was the fault of Blatche's teammates not picking up the slack. Chi Chi probably couldn't even check Jan Vesely!

Or maybe the problem is that Chi Chi didn't get Blatche the ball in the post enough. That's been an issue before.

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