Wednesday 16 May 2012

Create-a-Caption: ‘OK, sooooooooo, what’s all this?’

After a tough start to the Western Conference semifinals, what's Los Angeles Clippers coach Vinny del Negro — perhaps the world's last honest man — thinking as he works this one out?

Best caption wins a dog with a quizzical look on his face, most certainly the finest companion there is. Good luck.

In our last adventure: Pretty weird dress code for Oklahoma City Thunder games, Chesapeake Energy Arena.

Winner, Joshua: "OK. I think Brad lied when he said it was Dress Like Willy Wonka Night."

Runner-up, The VZA "Yes! Finally we did it! The cameras are all on US! ... Uh, guys? ... Now what?"

NOTE: This is a great point. You have to have a second step in the plan to profit these days. No longer can "wear ridiculous tuxedos" and "profit!" be separated by "???" Step your planning up, kids.

Second runner-up, Jason: Wearing THREE tacky suits at once? Top THAT, Craig Sager!

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