Thursday 22 March 2012

Video: The Wolves sing Britney Spears’s “… Baby One More Time”

Throughout this season, we've called your attention to the excellent work done by the Minnesota Timberwolves' viral video team. There's been the inspired "Where in the World Is Nikola Pekovic?", the perhaps even more inspired "Darko Listens to Pop Music," and the simple but effective team-effort karaoke of NSYNC's "Tearin' Up My Heart."

On Thursday, the Wolves released their newest karaoke sensation: a team-wide performance of Britney Spears's 1998 hit "... Baby One More Time." It's a fun time, especially because (a) Martell Webster seems really into it, (b) Ricky Rubio says he's heard the song but doesn't know the words, (c) Michael Beasley still barely enunciates when he sings, and (d) Nikola Pekovic is entirely confused. This is how it's done.

My only worry is that the Wolves are now oversaturating the viral video market, turning their team into fodder for pageviews rather than establishing them as an up-and-coming squad that's most fun when they're on the basketball court. Goofiness can only be a brand for so long — just ask the Washington Wizards.

On the other hand, when said videos involve Pekovic looking disgusted at the mere existence of Britney, it's hard to complain too much. If they figure out a way to get Pek and Darko to dress up as the Festrunk Brothers, I'll never complain again.

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