Wednesday 14 March 2012

Video: Travis Outlaw basically just tackles Nate Robinson

We all appreciate that you're trying to be more physical on defense, Travis Outlaw. When you're not bringing much else to the table — and, by the looks of things, you're not — it's always a good idea to recommit yourself to providing great effort and intensity on the defensive end. Even if your shot's not falling — and I mean crazy not falling, to the tune of a 29.5 percent mark from the floor, 16.7 percent from 3-point range and 62.5 percent on freebies — you can still make a difference for the Sacramento Kings by getting up into your opponent's chest and making things difficult for him.

Well, you definitely got into Nate Robinson's chest and made things difficult for him. Two things in particular that you made difficult for the Golden State Warriors guard were "standing" and "controlling what was happening to his body."

Unfortunately, as I learned very early in my youth basketball career, tackling ballhandlers is pretty illegal. Then again, because the foul was called on the floor, Robinson didn't get to the line and missed his next shot (a deep 3-pointer on the ensuing possession, which is the most Nate Robinson shot), so, I guess, good job, Travis. Strong defense. Keep it up.

Also, be honest: If you are a New York Knicks or Boston Celtics fan, you wanted to tackle Nate Robinson to prevent him from putting a shot up no fewer than 3,500 times during his stay with your favorite team. I'm glad we could share this cathartic moment.

Video via's Ben Golliver.

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