Friday 30 March 2012

Video: Spurs reserves Tiago Splitter and Gary Neal let it get out of hand, in trucks

Nothing big to see here. Just San Antonio Spurs center Tiago Splitter in your dad's shirt and a pair of jorts, underneath a giant straw hat, hanging out in the back of a truck with his vintage leather chair and clearly-unworkable old TV and being one-upped by Spurs guard Gary Neal as they brag about what a swell relationship they boast with Northside Ford in San Antonio, Texas.

In other news, the Spurs (with Splitter and Neal pairing to average just under 19 points in a combined 42 minutes off the team's bench) have won nine of ten, and are as sound a championship contender as you'll find in this league. Why? Intra-squad competitiveness. As detailed in the video seen above.

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