Wednesday 28 March 2012

Video: A Jeremy Lin dance draws raves on foreign TV

The outbreak of Linsanity that overtook the NBA in February has since been contained: Jeremy Lin now generates regular headlines but isn't quite the all-encompassing media presence he once was. His story is still notable, though, if only because it's unprecedented for an Asian-American player to have an NBA rotation spot in this era. He still matters, especially to his Asian and Asian-American fans.

Apparently, at least one of those Asian fans decided he loved Lin enough to perform whatever's happening in this clip from foreign TV (likely China or Taiwan, although it's unclear). I can't tell you what this performance means, or why it appears to be a combination of dance, slam poetry, and comedy. However, I do know that the five-judge panel gave it 22 of 25 stars, so clearly something great happened. Just look how excited everyone is!

(via TBJ and With Leather)

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