Tuesday 13 March 2012

Of course Rajon Rondo is eating sushi with chopsticks before a game

"Stuck" in Los Angeles for a few days while his Celtics played back to back games at the Staples Center against the Los Angeles Lakers and Clippers, Boston point guard Rajon Rondo clearly has taken to both the southern California lifestyle, and some of the fresher sources of protein the area has to offer. Namely, as you can see from the ESPN screenshot above (provided by the fine folks at NBA Off-Season), Rajon is tearing into a sushi roll in the minutes before his team's gutty win over the Clippers.

Don't let them ever tell you that learning to use chopsticks is like learning to ride a bike, because I learned how to do both at about the same age, and yet it's a laugh riot whenever I'm forced to down my sashimi without the aid of a fork. In a league that often sees its players gobbling down take away greasebombs before a game, it's nice to see Rajon mix it up a little. And use the proper eating utensils.

And, yes, he washed his sushi down with some Gatorade. Gotta stay hydrated, even after all that fish.

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