Friday 23 March 2012

Create-a-Caption: A meeting in Memphis: ‘Ehh? Eeeeeehhhhhhh?’

You can eyebrow it up all you want to, Lionel Hollins, but Gilbert Arenas wasn't brought to the Memphis Grizzlies to go grab you a soda. He was brought here to blogs social media Web 2.0 Pinterest Blogs with Balls Facebook. So, y'know, get on board with that, and go get your own Mr. Pibb. Also, don't drink Mr. Pibb, drink Dr. Pepper like an adult with self-respect.

Best caption wins everything you need to win the Internet this week. Good luck.

In our last adventure: It stinks being the new guy, Luke Walton. You're going to get hazed.

Winner, Al: "For the last time, NO, I will not get my dad's autograph for you."

Runner-up, Brad: "Aren't you guys glad I'm here?" The look on the security guard's face says it all.

Second runner-up, Johnny: "Where's the celebrities?"

"This is Cleveland, man."

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