Monday 26 March 2012

Create-a-Caption: Anything that makes Kevin Garnett this happy just has to be terrifying

You see Kevin Garnett smiling wide and you think everything's fine, and that's when the smaller second sharp-fanged mouth pops out and your whole face gets bitten off. Classic Big Ticket face-rip. Can't believe you fell for that.

What's making KG, former Boston Celtics teammate Jeff Green and this highly excited fan so chipper? Best caption wins 1,000 reasons to smile. Good luck.

In our last adventure: Gilbert Arenas isn't so sure about what Memphis Grizzlies coach Lionel Hollins is proposing.

Winner, Justin: "Sooo ... Romney or Gingrich? ;-)"

NOTE: This only wins because I am reading Justin's entry as intending the winking smiley-face to be part of Hollins' dialogue with Gil, because boy oh boy, would I love that. If that was not the intent, I disavow all knowledge of this competition. You saw nothing. NOTHING.

Runner-up, The Football God: "I need shooters, Gilbert. Not shoe turds."

NOTE: I make no promises, but I *might* be persuaded to award a Special Commendation in Ruling, Rhyming Edition, to the reader who crafts the best "We want a pitcher / Not a belly-itcher"-style couplet involving the "shooters"/"shoe turds" duo. Just sayin'.

Second runner-up, Sean: That awkward staredown, knowing that he who smelt it dealt it.

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