In the summer of 2010, when LeBron James was figuring out his free agent options, a group of Cleveland luminaries released a parody song called "We Are LeBron" in the hopes of getting him to stay with the hometown Cavaliers. While the sentiment was nice, it also made the city look a little small in comparison to other destinations like Miami and New York. You know, because Carl Monday and Erika from "The Real World: DC" aren't exactly national stars.
The Orlando Magic, now faced with a similar issue with impending free agent Dwight Howard. They put out their own song, "Let's Fight for Dwight" (via PBT), which features a host of excited Magic fans singing an original song about how much they love their star player. It's a different approach from the Cleveland video, one more dependent on passion and MOR sounds than local celebs and light parody. The song itself need work, and the singer might look and sound like Jon Bon Jovi's black sheep cousin, but it clearly comes from the right place.
The only question now is how DH's potential destinations will respond. Something tells me the Nets could put together a strong roster of Brooklyn buzzbands to perform a jangly tribute.
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