Tuesday 14 February 2012

Video: NBA players give their Valentine’s advice

Coming up with the perfect Valentine's Day plans takes time, thoughtful consideration of a partner's likes and dislikes, and a little creative inspiration. That said, it's always nice to get a little help from friends in figuring out the best treat for your beloved.

Thankfully, the NBA is here to help. Above, watch Kings big man DeMarcus Cousins give Kings.com fan correspondent Alex Kramers his suggestions (via TBJ), including moonlit walks on the beach, violins, horse-carriage rides, and white roses. It's all so cliched that it becomes fairly obvious that Cousins never goes on dates. There's also something about a DMC/Donte Greene remix named "Twinkies," which could be the most horrifying song of all time. I'd rather not hear it to find out.

Some players have better advice. After the jump, check out what the Washington Wizards have to say about treating your woman right.

The Wizards haven't offered much to love on the court this season, but they at least know how to plan a great Valentine's Day. Here's what several had to say to Sarah Kogod of NBCWashington.com:

Shelvin Mack's girlfriend has a birthday a few days before Valentine's Day and told us he was getting a present that covers both celebrations. We teased him about being cheap, but he set us straight. "It's not cheap though! I got her a MacBook," he told us. "That's not cheap, is it?"

He went on to share his suggestion for a romantic gesture. "Try to write a letter. Something that's priceless," said Mack, with what we think is sage advice. "Don't send a text, write a letter." [...]

"A couple of years ago, I bought my girl a gift," [Trevor Booker] said, clearly proud of this story. "I was in college and I  had a game on the road, so I took the gift, wrapped it and taped it to an alarm. I set the alarm for midnight and stuck it under her bed. While I was gone, she heard the alarm clock and found the gift at midnight." [...]

"I'm the wrong person to talk to about Valentine's Day," [Jordan Crawford] said laughing. "I usually get rid of my shorties around now."

The responses run the gamut from creative to effective (but a little cold) to callous. Heed the advice that works for you. There are many ways to get Valentine's Day right.

On the other hand, if you're taking advice at this time of day, then you probably already lost Valentine's Day. Better to cut your losses and plan ahead for next year.

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