Wednesday 3 April 2013

Create-a-Caption: ‘I didn’t travel — I teleported’

At first, the ref didn't believe Nate Robinson when he tried to argue the call — yeah, we've all seen the Chris Paul commercial, but I mean, come on, that can't really happen in a game, right? But later, after seeing the miniature Chicago Bulls point guard somehow extricate himself from this Washington Wizards trap and race to the rim, he had to wonder ... could Nate (and other NBA players) actually have the power of transferring himself from one place to another without actually physically traveling the distance? And, if so, are the underpinnings of the entire profession of officiating essentially meaningless?

Come out to ref, wind up with an existential crisis. Par for the course when the Bulls and Wiz match up, really.

Best caption wins ... well, we couldn't find a teleportation device within our budget, but we do have this transmogrifier, which we hope you'll enjoy just as much. Good luck.

In our last adventure: C'mon, Willie Green. The Bernie Lean's a Bay Area thing, not an L.A. thing, and definitely not a basketball thing.

Winner, Larry B.: When all other forms of defense fail, Willie Green resorts to a Fred Sanford fake heart attack.

Runner-up, Russell S: The NBA: Where you're whistled for flopping when taking the Nestea Plunge.

Second runner-up, Matt: You never wake up a sleepwalker. Ever.

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