Wednesday 13 March 2013

Dwight Howard responds to heckling Orlando fan with ‘yo mama’ joke, because of course (VIDEO)

I have to say — it was really nice getting to spend the morning working on a post about how sharp and dominant Dwight Howard was during the Los Angeles Lakers' Tuesday night win over the Orlando Magic. So much of the coverage of Howard, here and elsewhere, has focused on the drama surrounding his situations in Florida and California ... it was great to hone in on the actual basketball of it all, rather than, y'know, some dumb stuff he said.

Well, that was fun while it lasted, I guess. Thanks, baseline cameras and basket microphones!

I do not know specifically what the Orlando fan said to spur Howard to respond, "Even your mama. Even your mama. And your mama. Your mama hates me, too. She liked me last night" ... but I'm going to guess it wasn't especially nice. Generally speaking, I don't much mind offering a snappy comeback to someone who's being mean to you, especially in the competitive banter context of heckling at a pro sporting event. Besides, this wasn't even the meanest thing a guy who plays for a Los Angeles-based team was captured saying to an opposing fan in the last week — that title belongs, as it most often does, to Matt Barnes.

Frankly, the most offensive thing about this to me is that Howard, as tall as he is, reached for the low-hanging fruit of a "yo mama" joke. (Then again, it's not my mom he was talking about. Unless one of my siblings was in Orlando last night, in which case, oh, man, this is a really rough way to find out about a sick burn.)

Given Dwight's well-established comedy stylings, it's not necessarily surprising that the kind of jokes that died of natural causes six years ago are on the tip of his tongue; all that's left now is for Howard to bro down with Wilmer Valderrama before tipoff of the next Lakers home game.

Hat-tip to Trey Kerby at The Basketball Jones.

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