Monday 4 February 2013

Days of NBA Lives: Wherein the NBA reacts to a Dodge truck commercial

At this point, most of the NBA is on Twitter. It's a wild world of training updates, questions as to which movies they should go see, and explanations of their Call of Duty prowess. Every so often, though, you also get a picture into the more interesting aspects of NBA life. This feature is your window into that world.

As usual, America can't stop talking about the commercials of the Super Bowl. Among that group, Dodge's "Farmer" has been one of the most discussed spots. Over the past day, several NBA players have weighed in.

Harrison Barnes got bored:

Longest commercial I've ever seen...

— Harrison Barnes (@HBarnes) February 4, 2013

Andre Iguodala considered a change of profession:

Damn, kinda make me wanna be a farmer... — Andre Iguodala (@andre) February 4, 2013

Tristan Thompson wanted to know potential restrictions:

So if I'm not a farmer, can I still get a Ram Truck? #serioustweet

— Tristan Thompson (@RealTristan13) February 4, 2013

Brian Cardinal played to type:

FAVORITE COMMERCIAL.... Paul Harvey - GOD made a farmer!!! #FarmersRULE — Brian Cardinal (@BrianCardinal) February 4, 2013

George Hill looks at the bigger picture:

But for a dodge commercial com on just didn't like it end up being about a dodge

— INDIANA GEORGE HILL (@George_Hill3) February 4, 2013

Follow Eric Freeman on Twitter @freemaneric.

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