Tuesday 18 December 2012

Days of NBA Lives: Wherein Chris Kaman started a contest, then fell asleep

At this point, most of the NBA is on Twitter. It's a wild world of training updates, questions as to which movies they should go see, and explanations of their Call of Duty prowess. Every so often, though, you also get a picture into the more interesting aspects of NBA life. This feature is your window into that world.

J.R. Smith: Bout to go eat by myself! Y'all call it Lonely I call it Self Improvement!

Chris Kaman: Ok, time to give away some stuff! Autograph shoes n autograph basketball..... It's not going to be easy folks..... [Ed. note: three hours later] Sorry, fell asleep! I will post how to enter the contest after the game......

Wilson Chandler: Mario was the dopest for Super NES. I'm about to beat the game lol pic.twitter.com/lkiqqJl4

Courtney Lee: This show, Extreme Home MakeOver is Lowkey DOPE!!!

JaVale McGee: RT @JaValeMcGee34 I REMEMBER!

You can also follow Eric Freeman on Twitter at @freemaneric.

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