Tuesday 27 November 2012

The 10-man rotation, starring Vince Carter (almost) in winter

A look around the league and the web that covers it. It's also important to note that the rotation order and starting nods aren't always listed in order of importance. That's for you, dear reader, to figure out.

C: The Two Man Game. David Hopkins with a look at what Vince Carter has left to give.
PF: Truth About It. Gregg Popovich with a typically wry description of his relationship with Tim Duncan.
SF: Grantland. And now Zach Lowe's typical must-read trek around the NBA, with 76ers musings.
SG: The Classical. Scott Henkle discusses the still-very-much-around Daniel Gibson.
PG: Sports Radio Interview. Charles Barkley thinks the Nets are the best team in New York, probably thinks that they're good at defense or something, too.

6th: Hardwood Paroxysm. Noam Schiller relays the news that Craig Smith is doing quite well in Israel.
7th: Minn Post. Britt Robson details all the reasons behind Minnesota's five-game losing streak.
8th: The Basketball Jones. Trey Kerby wins by spotting seven Jay-Z puns in today's NYDN sports section.
9th: Bullets Forever. It's hard to get through, because you can't help but feel so bad for Wizards fans, but Andrew Sharp's ode to passion and disappointment is a great piece of work.
10th: Sporting News. A well-written but expectedly tough to read look at the bond between Basketball Hall of Famer Kevin McHale, and his late daughter Sasha.

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