Monday 26 November 2012

Metta World Peace wants you to buy a cell phone watch (VIDEO)

The modern world can be a complicated place. Sure, it may seem convenient to have a phone, computer, and tip calculator on your person at all times, but these newfangled phones can get pretty heavy. Plus, if you wear a watch, it's as if you're carrying around a one-pound weight at all times. It's the kind of daily hassle that causes long-term back problems.

Thankfully, the people at are here to help. Using space-aged technology first developed by sharply dressed detective Dick Tracy, the company — which I think we can all agree has a really great name — has come out with a watch that doubles as a cellular telephone.  And they've picked the perfect spokesman to endorse their product: Los Angeles Lakers forward Metta World Peace.

In the spot, MWP praises the watch's durability, style, and versatility — it even lets him check the weather while he plays, because he is the kind of person who does things that make little sense to anyone else.

I look forward to World Peace's next ad for, in which he explains why anyone would want to take a call during an intense basketball game.

(via Ananth Pandian)

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